Production 2010 pics

Spring Tramp - not the whole lot just some of it...

x country 2010

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Soundhouse and Parliament

Today we went into Wellington. We caught the 8.26am train and had a very pleasant journey into town, I'm not so sure how the regular commuters felt! After a very quick walk, by our standards, to Capital E Soundhouse, we settled into the our charis and listened to Carl for about half an hour. He gave us the low down on what we could do using Sony Acid. Then he let us loose on the computers. In the two hours we were there some of us manged to make a 30 - 40sec music track. It was just amazing. Our teacher couldn't make up her mind on what she wanted, in the end it wasn't so bad. Next stop was Parliament "The Beehive". We had a luch with a banana and a carrot? We met Miranda who took us on a fantastic tour of Parliament. It is a shame that one of the security guards was easliy annoyed, we have defiantely been louder than that! We caught the 2.30 train back to Pllimmerton and left from the train station. Thanks to the paretn help, Sue and Carole as well as our teachers.

Stan is the Man LOVE this version.

Top 25 pop 2009