Production 2010 pics

Spring Tramp - not the whole lot just some of it...

x country 2010

Friday, November 7, 2008

Trips this week

Tuesday 4 teams of girls went to the Rippa and Girl black rugby tournament which was held in Lower Hutt @ Fraser Park. The weather was totally and utterly terrible but that didn't stop us from giving it a go. One the the year 7/8 teams won the plate which was really great. The other teams that went raved about how the day went and didn't go. When we all got back to school it was great to see the majority of the Taupo girls sitting outside having a chat! I hope the girls had a great day because I know I did! Can't wait for next year.

The marae visit was on Friday and what a day for it. The weather was great the children were great and there was a lot of fun and learning had by all. It was really good to see a number of children outside of school in an environment that they felt at ease in. Despite being slighlty nervous about doing the karanga all went well on that front and I only managed to burn a few piklets while cokking them on the "boil up" stove! The students seemd to be liking them also.

1 comment:

katej said...

You had a really busy week, but Im so pleased the kids had a go at these things. This means during the week, @ 40 girls played a great game they have never played before, and @80 enjoyed a day working with a different bunch of kids. Fantastic! Glad to see Education just doesnt happen in the class rooms

Stan is the Man LOVE this version.

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